Rock the CAMRT Radiography Exam 2024 – Snap Your Future into Focus!

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What is the proper order for opening a sterile tray?

Away, Left, Right, Toward you

The correct order for opening a sterile tray is based on the principles of maintaining sterility and preventing contamination. The order of "Away, Left, Right, Toward you" ensures that when a sterile field is being prepared, the person opening the tray does so in a manner that minimizes the risk of introducing contaminants. Starting by folding back the flap that opens away from you is essential because it allows you to approach the sterile field without reaching over it, which could potentially deposit contaminants from your hands or clothing. Following this with the left flap, then the right flap, and finally the flap closest to you, maintains a clean barrier throughout the process. This sequence provides a clear direction of movement and keeps your hands away from the sterile field during the process. This procedure reflects standard practices in infection control and emphasizes the importance of understanding how to manipulate sterile equipment without compromising its integrity or the safety of the procedure.

Away, Right, Left, Toward you

Right, Away, Left, Toward you

Toward you, Left, Right, Away


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